
"I was able to overcome successfully that most difficult time of my life."

Dear Dr. Taban,

Last year during a time span of six months I endured vast emotional and mental distress. I was expecting my first child when I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. There were so many changes that took place in my life during this time of which some I chose to omit from my mind; the one thing I will always remember that brought me some comfort was your words. Every time I went to a consultation with you, you would soothe my nerves and allay my fears. I was falling apart physically, mentally, and emotionally but every time I spoke with you you gave me that reassurance and said "Mary, don't worry you will be okay". Even though I first consulted with Dr. Black, renowned neurosurgeon, once I met with you I knew in my heart, without a doubt, that you were the physician that I should entrust with my life.

In about a week, I am about to embark onto a new phase of this chapter in my life. I will be starting radiation at UCLA Medical Center. I now that this too will be a challenge I will have to overcome but I know that I will show resilience and succeed.

Thanks to your expertise and knowledge, and to God, I was able to overcome successfully that most difficult time of my life. Thank you.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of your wonderful staff for always being very helpful and most of all supportive.

Dr. Taban I once read an Irish blessing, which I now would like to say to you:

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sunshine warm upon your face
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

With sincere regards,
Mary-Lou Velasquez-Arteta

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